Independent Case Review into the investigation of the death of Kiribati Fisheries Observer Eritara Aati Kaierua


Following a 12-month investigation into the death of Kiribati fisheries observer, Eritara Aati Kaierua, onboard the Taiwanese flagged WIN FAR 636 fishing vessel, Human Rights at Sea publishes an independent case review which explores in detail the incident in March 2020 from the family’s perspective having reviewed all publicly-available information as well as evidence collated by the family, supporting organisations, lawyers and the charity.

The case review examines the circumstances surrounding his untimely death, the engagement by Kiribati authorities and highlights 26 outstanding questions and areas of query into the subsequent conduct of the investigation which to date remains inconclusive and fails to provide necessary closure for the family.

By issuing the publication, Human Rights at Sea aims to expedite justice for the family through the necessary disclosure of much-needed answers into Eritara’s death.

Contradictory reports of the cause of death led to the instruction of Steven Kay QC and David Hughes by HRAS.

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