Matthew Bugher, a researcher for the Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic and consultant for non-profit organization Fortify Rights has helped to present the key findings of an investigation into the March 10th crackdown on student protesters in Letpadan, Myanmar.
The results from the investigation are contained within a report entitled: Crackdown at Letpadan, which is now available for viewing. Matthew has also written an op-ed that highlights the broader crackdown on civil society in the run-up to elections, which has been published in Myanmar Now and several other journals.
To read a copy of ‘Crackdown at Letpadan – Exessive Force and Violations of the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Expression’, click the link below:
Click below to read a copy of the report in Burmese:
And to read Matthew’s op-ed, click the link bellow:
NOTE: The views expressed in the op-ed are those of Matthew Bugher and not ICLB/9BRi
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