European Criminal Bar Association – Spring Conference 2016


Registration is now open for the ECBA (European Criminal Bar Association) Spring conference (22nd – 23rd April) which will take place at the Kempinski Hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania. The title of the conference is: ‘Improve Justice: INQUISITORIAL or ADVERSARY CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS?’

A reception will be held on Friday 22nd April at 7 pm at the Town Hall. The conference itself will then start on Saturday 23rd April in the morning (registration from 9am onwards) and will end at approximately 5.45 pm. The conference will be followed by an optional dinner at the restaurant La Bohème.

To conclude the programme of events, a representative from a number of jurisdictions will give brief updates of key developments in their national criminal law relevant to practitioners in other jurisdictions.

Delegates who are interested in speaking should email the following address:

The ECBA has reserved some rooms at the Kempinski Hotel until 21st March, after this date the hotel will release the rooms and booking will be subject to availability. To reserve a room at ECBA rates click below:

A list of hotels located in the vicinity of the conference is supplied within the general information document attached at the bottom of this post. However the ECBA cannot take responsibility for the standard of service or accommodation provided by any of these establishments.

To register using the online credit card payment facility please click below:

If you would like to use another method of payment (such as bank transfer, card payment via phone) click below:

To view the general info for the event click the link below:

General Info

And click below to read the programme for the ECBA Spring Conference:


For further information about the ECBA click the following link:

Image source:

Text source: Marie-Anne Sarlet (ECBA Administrator)

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