Steven Kay QC to Speak at OffshoreAlert 7th Annual Europe Conference on ‘Financial Intelligence & Investigations’


Steven Kay QC is to speak about the dangers to investors of Liechtenstein Foundations and Discretionary Trusts at OffshoreAlert 7th Annual Europe Conference on ‘Financial Intelligence & Investigations’, which will take place in London on November 12th and 13th. Steven Kay QC is just one of the speakers at the event which also includes: Don Fort and Simon York, the criminal investigation heads of the IRS and HMRC, respectively. Sessions at the conference will cover a range of topics concerning high-value international finance that are aimed at investigators, providers, and buyers of products and services.


The venue for the event will be the Grange St. Paul’s Hotel, in London. It is due to take place on November 12-13th (Monday & Tuesday), 2018.

To reserve a seat and find out more click the link below:

And click the following link to read the full agenda for the conference, which includes a list of all the speakers:


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