ICC Judges Confirm that South Africa’s Government was Legally Obligated to Arrest Omar Al-Bashir Under Rome Statute



On Thursday, Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) confirmed that South Africa’s government failed to meet with the obligations of the Rome Statute by failing to detain Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir during a visit he made to the country in 2015. Al-Bashir ifaces charges from the ICC in relation to crimes he is alleged to have committed in Darfur.

Judges ruled that they did not consider a referral on non-compliance to the Assembly of States Parties to be useful in acquiring the cooperation of South Africa. They claimed that as it has been “unequivocally established” by a domestic South African court and the ICC that the government should have arrested al-Bashir, a referral would be of “no consequence.”

However the ruling could yet be appealed by either or both parties.

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Image source: topnews.in

Text source: www.coalitionfortheicc.org – 6th July 2017

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