On Wednesday 8th June the International Bar Association (IBA) Hague Office organized an event that was a Roundtable Discussion on Trials in absentia in international criminal justice. Over 130 delegates were in attendance.
The event consisted of a keynote presentation by Judge Ivana Hrdličková, the President of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), which was followed by two separate panel debates.
Both panels were made up of panelists that are respected professionals including: Dr Brianne McGonigle Leyh, (Associate Professor, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, Utrecht University), Francois Falletti (Attorney, Former Chief Prosecutor of the Paris Court of Appeals), Dr Guido Acquaviva (Deputy Registrar, Kosovo Specialist Chambers), Geoffrey Robertson QC (Barrister, founder and joint head of Doughty Street Chambers), Héleyn Uñac, Deputy Chief of the Defence Office of the STL, Thomas Hannis (Defence Counsel, STL) and Dr Kinga Tibori-Szabó (Legal Representative of Victims, STL).
Dr Mark Ellis (IBA Executive Director) and Dr Jill Coster van Voorhout (Senior Researcher at the Hague Institute for Global Justice) were each in charge of moderating one of the panel discussions.
To read a more in-depth account and to view a selection of photos that were taken at the event, click below:
Image source: www.martindale.com
Text source: www.ibanet.org (page viewed on 25th June 2016)