Creating the Future Leaders of Tomorrow with BritBangla


PRESS RELEASE – 15 November 2017

A unique leadership Initiative, BritBangla’s Legal Career Event is to take place on 16 November 2017, in collaboration with the University of Westminster, London, and featuring a line up of inspirational speakers including, Barrister Steven Kay QC International & UK criminal lawyer, Head of Chambers at 9 Bedford Row, Zacharias Miah of ASW6 Chambers, Sapnara Khatun the UKs first British Bangladeshi female Circuit Judge, and Solicitor Yasmin Mia.

Following BritBangla’s successful re-launch in May 2017, it is now taking forward its vision of “Creating the Future Leaders of Tomorrow” by delivering an event for aspiring lawyers. The organisation has put together its first event as part of its leadership programme to increase BAME (Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic) representation in the legal sector.

The event will see successful solicitors, barristers and judges share their personal journey and how they succeeded within the enormously competitive legal industry. The lecture will provide important guidance to enter the legal profession including advice on scholarships and hardship funding prospects.

Aimed at students with future aspirations to pursue a career within the legal field, the evening will allow time to network with lawyers and legal professionals. There will also be a chance to field questions during a Q&A with the panel members and representatives from the Inner Temple. It aims to provide inspiration and knowledge to those looking to step into the legal world.

BritBangla is a forum for advancing empowerment and leadership. Its focus is on increasing Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Leadership by putting into practice the recommendations from the Government review ‘Race in Workplace’. A career in law is a competitive sector especially for the minority ethnic members of the society.

Just under 5% of Bangladeshi people were recorded as having a degree level qualification in the 1991 Census – by 2011, the figure had reached almost 20%. Researchers found that although ethnic minorities have experienced growth in clerical, professional and managerial employment, they are still facing “significant barriers to enjoying the levels of social mobility of their white British peers”. The Ethnic Group with the highest risk of poverty is Bangladeshi. For the last 5 years over half of the Bangladeshi people are in poverty. Research (2011 Census) shows that the proportion of Bangladeshis who live in low-income households is 70%. Whilst the rates have been falling, a large number of Bangladeshi diaspora, still live in low-income households. Social inequalities are a key barrier to career progression.

BritBangla Board member Zacharias Miah, Barrister said “Inspirational role-models alone are not effective in reaching the required impact to increase BAME’s to leadership in the law industry. It’s crucial that an event such as ours provides guidance for the younger generation to overcome barriers to progression”.

The event is aimed at current or future law students looking for an insight into how to give them an edge when applying for a training contract or pupillage, lawyers who wish to support young students. Tickets to the event can be booked through Eventbrite.

Press Release supplied by BritBangla


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